$val) if (array_search($key,$blockKeys) === false) $$key=$val;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) if (array_search($key,$blockKeys) === false) $$key=$val;
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) if (array_search($key,$blockKeys) === false && $key != 'fm_current_dir' && $key != 'ace_wrap') $$key=$val;
// PHP_VERSION_ID is available as of PHP 5.2.7, if our version is lower than that, then emulate it
if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
$php_version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($php_version[0] * 10000 + $php_version[1] * 100 + $php_version[2]));
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50207) {
define('PHP_MAJOR_VERSION', $php_version[0]);
define('PHP_MINOR_VERSION', $php_version[1]);
define('PHP_RELEASE_VERSION', $php_version[2]);
// Server Vars
function curl_server_online_check(){
if (function_exists('curl_init')){
@$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://phpfm.sf.net");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$errnum = curl_errno($ch);
return ($errnum == "0");
function socket_get_lan_ip($dest='', $port=80) {
$addr = '';
if (function_exists('socket_create')){
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
socket_connect($socket, $dest, $port);
socket_getsockname($socket, $addr, $port);
return $addr;
function get_client_ip() {
$ipaddress = '';
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
else if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']) $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'];
else if($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'];
else if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) $ipaddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
else if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// proxy transparente não esconde o IP local, colocando ele após o IP da rede, separado por vírgula
if (strpos($ipaddress, ',') !== false) {
$ips = explode(',', $ipaddress);
$ipaddress = trim($ips[0]);
if ($ipaddress == '::1' || $ipaddress == '') $ipaddress = 'localhost';
return $ipaddress;
$ip = @get_client_ip();
$lan_ip = @socket_get_lan_ip();
function getServerURL() {
$url = (lowercase($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == "on")?"https://":"http://";
if (strlen($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) $url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
elseif (strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) $url .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "80" && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "443") $url .= ":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
return $url;
function getCompleteURL() {
return getServerURL().$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = @getCompleteURL();
$url_info = parse_url($url);
$doc_root = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // ex: 'C:/htdocs'
$url_root = rtrim(@getServerURL(),'/'); // ex. 'http://www.site.com'
$fm_file = __FILE__;
$fm_url = $url_root.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$fm_path_info = pathinfo($fm_file);
$open_basedir_ini = trim(@ini_get("open_basedir"));
$open_basedirs = array();
if (strlen($open_basedir_ini)) {
$dirs = array($open_basedir_ini);
if ($is_windows) {
if (strpos($open_basedir_ini,';') !== false) {
$dirs = explode(';',$open_basedir_ini);
$dirs = array_map('ucfirst',$dirs);
} else {
if (strpos($open_basedir_ini,':') !== false) {
$dirs = explode(':',$open_basedir_ini);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$dir = rtrim($dir,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // fm_root must have trailing slash
if (is_dir($dir)) $open_basedirs[] = $dir;
$sys_lang = strtolower(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2));
if (!function_exists('mb_strtolower') || !function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) {
die('PHP File Manager
Error: Please enable "mbstring" php module.
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | Config Class
// +--------------------------------------------------
function object_to_array( $var ) {
if( !is_object( $var ) && !is_array( $var ) ) {
return $var;
if( is_object( $var ) ) {
$var = get_object_vars( $var );
return array_map( 'object_to_array', $var );
function array_to_object( $var ) {
if( !is_object( $var ) && !is_array( $var ) ) {
return $var;
$obj = new stdClass();
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
if (strlen($key)) $obj->{$key} = array_to_object( $value );
return $obj;
class config {
var $data;
function __construct(){
$this->data = array(
'date_format'=>'Y/m/d H:i',
function save(){
global $fm_file;
$config_string = "data).chr(13).chr(10);
if (is_file($fm_file)){
$lines = file($fm_file);
$script_start_line = 1;
if (strpos($lines[0],'data = $data;
foreach ($this->data as $key => $val) $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | Config Load
// +--------------------------------------------------
$cfg = new config();
if (strlen($timezone)) @date_default_timezone_set($timezone);
//@setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
//@ini_set('default_charset', $charset);
@ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character','none'); // That will strip invalid characters from UTF-8 strings
if ($error_reporting > 0){
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR); @ini_set("display_errors",1);
function fb_log(){
global $error_reporting;
if ($error_reporting < 2) return;
if (!class_exists('ChromePhp')) return;
$arguments = func_get_args();
if (func_num_args() > 1 && is_string($arguments[0])) {
ChromePhp::log($arguments[0].': ',$arguments[1]);
} else {
if (!strlen($fm_current_root)) {
if ($is_windows) {
if (strpos($doc_root,":") !== false) $fm_current_root = ucfirst(substr($doc_root,0,strpos($doc_root,":")+1).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // If doc_root has ":" take the drive letter
$fm_current_root = ucfirst($doc_root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
} else {
$fm_current_root = "/"; // Linux default show root
} else {
if ($is_windows) $fm_current_root = ucfirst($fm_current_root);
if (strlen($fm_root)){
$fm_current_root = $fm_root;
if (count($open_basedirs)){
$fm_current_root_ok = false;
foreach ($open_basedirs as $open_basedir) {
if (strpos($fm_current_root,$open_basedir) !== false) {
$fm_current_root_ok = true;
if (!$fm_current_root_ok) {
$fm_path = rtrim($fm_path_info['dirname'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
foreach ($open_basedirs as $open_basedir) {
if (strpos($fm_path,$open_basedir) !== false) {
$fm_current_root = $open_basedir;
$fm_current_root_ok = true;
if (!$fm_current_root_ok){
$fm_current_root = $open_basedirs[0];
if (!isset($fm_current_dir)){
$fm_path = rtrim($fm_path_info['dirname'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (strpos($fm_path,$fm_current_root) !== false) {
$fm_current_dir = $fm_path;
} else {
$fm_current_dir = $fm_current_root;
if ($is_windows) $fm_current_dir = ucfirst($fm_current_dir);
if (strlen($_COOKIE['fm_current_dir'])) {
$fm_current_dir = $_COOKIE['fm_current_dir'];
$fm_current_root = rtrim($fm_current_root,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$fm_current_dir = rtrim($fm_current_dir,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
@chdir($fm_current_dir); // Note: So is_link(), is_file(), is_dir() and other functions work with relative paths too.
if (isset($set_resolve_ids)){
setcookie("resolve_ids", $resolve_ids, time()+$cookie_cache_time, "/");
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | User/Group Functions
// +--------------------------------------------------
$passwd_array = false;
function get_user_name($uid) {
global $is_windows, $passwd_array;
if ($is_windows) return $uid;
if ($passwd_array === false){
@system_exec_cmd("cat /etc/passwd",$passwd_file);
$passwd_array = explode(chr(10),$passwd_file);
foreach ($passwd_array as $line) {
$mat = explode(":",$line);
if ($mat[2] == $uid){
return $mat[0];
if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
$info = posix_getpwuid($uid);
return $info['name'];
return $uid;
$group_array = false;
function get_group_name($gid) {
global $is_windows, $group_array;
if ($is_windows) return $gid;
if ($group_array === false){
@system_exec_cmd("cat /etc/group",$group_file);
$group_array = explode(chr(10),$group_file);
foreach ($group_array as $line) {
$mat = explode(":",$line);
if ($mat[2] == $gid){
return $mat[0];
if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
$info = posix_getgrgid($gid);
return $info['name'];
return $gid;
function get_user_groups($user_name) {
global $is_windows, $group_array;
if ($is_windows) return array();
if ($group_array === false){
@system_exec_cmd("cat /etc/group",$group_file);
$group_array = explode(chr(10),$group_file);
$resul = array();
$resul['ids'] = array();
$resul['names'] = array();
foreach ($group_array as $line) {
$mat = explode(":",$line);
$user_names = explode(",",$mat[3]);
if (array_search($user_name,$user_names) !== false){
$resul['ids'][] = $mat[2];
$resul['names'][] = $mat[0];
return $resul;
function is_rwx_phpfm($file,$what='r'){
global $is_windows;
// Note: You can only change the uid/euid of the current process when one of the two is currently set to 0 (root).
// groupadd gteste
// usermod -a -G gteste www-data
// gpasswd -d www-data gteste
if (!is_array($GLOBALS['script_info'])) {
$GLOBALS['script_info'] = array();
$GLOBALS['script_info']['sys_uname'] = function_exists('posix_uname') ? @posix_uname() : '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['sys_hostname'] = function_exists('gethostname') ? @gethostname() : '';
if (!strlen($GLOBALS['script_info']['sys_hostname'])){
$GLOBALS['script_info']['sys_hostname'] = @getenv('COMPUTERNAME');
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id'] = function_exists('posix_getuid') ? @posix_getuid() : '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_home'] = '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_shell'] = '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_id'] = '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_name'] = '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'] = array();
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_names'] = array();
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_id'] = function_exists('posix_getgid') ? @posix_getgid() : '';
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_name'] = $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_id'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_members'] = '';
if ($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id'] && function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
$info = posix_getpwuid($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id']);
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_home'] = $info['dir'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_shell'] = $info['shell'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = $info['name'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_id'] = $info['gid'];
if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
$info = posix_getgrgid($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_id']);
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_name'] = $info['name'];
$info = get_user_groups($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name']);
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'] = $info['ids'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_names'] = $info['names'];
array_unshift($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'], $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_id']);
array_unshift($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_names'], $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_name']);
if (!strlen($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'])) {
if (!system_exec_cmd('whoami',$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'])) {
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = '';
if (!strlen($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name']) && function_exists('get_current_user')) {
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = get_current_user();
if (!strlen($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'])){
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = @getenv('USERNAME') ? : @getenv('USER');
if ($is_windows && strpos($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'],'\\') !== false){
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'] = ucfirst(substr($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'],strpos($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_name'],'\\')+1));
if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
$info = posix_getgrgid($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_id']);
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_name'] = $info['name'];
$GLOBALS['script_info']['script_group_members'] = $info['members'];
$file_info = array();
$file_info['name'] = $file;
$file_stat = stat($file);
$file_info['nlinks'] = $file_stat['nlink'];
$file_info['perms'] = fileperms($file);
$file_info['owner'] = fileowner($file);
$file_info['group'] = filegroup($file);
$file_info['is_owner_readable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0100);
$file_info['is_group_readable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0020);
$file_info['is_world_readable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0004);
$file_info['is_readable'] = false;
if ($file_info['is_world_readable']) {
$file_info['is_readable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_group_readable']) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'] as $gid) {
if ($file_info['group'] == $gid) {
$file_info['is_readable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_owner_readable'] && $file_info['owner'] == $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id']) {
$file_info['is_readable'] = true;
$file_info['is_owner_writable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0080);
$file_info['is_group_writable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0010);
$file_info['is_world_writable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0002);
$file_info['is_writable'] = false;
if ($file_info['is_world_writable']) {
$file_info['is_writable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_group_writable']) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'] as $gid) {
if ($file_info['group'] == $gid) {
$file_info['is_writable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_owner_writable'] && $file_info['owner'] == $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id']) {
$file_info['is_writable'] = true;
$file_info['is_owner_executable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0040);
$file_info['is_group_executable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0400);
$file_info['is_world_executable'] = ($file_info['perms'] & 0x0001);
$file_info['is_executable'] = false;
if ($file_info['is_world_executable']) {
$file_info['is_executable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_group_executable']) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_group_ids'] as $gid) {
if ($file_info['group'] == $gid) {
$file_info['is_executable'] = true;
if ($file_info['is_owner_executable'] && $file_info['owner'] == $GLOBALS['script_info']['script_user_id']) {
$file_info['is_executable'] = true;
if ($what == 'r') return $file_info['is_readable'];
if ($what == 'w') return $file_info['is_writable'];
if ($what == 'x') return $file_info['is_executable'];
return false;
function is_readable_phpfm($file){
return is_rwx_phpfm($file,'r');
function is_writable_phpfm($file){
return is_rwx_phpfm($file,'w');
function is_executable_phpfm($file){
return is_rwx_phpfm($file,'x');
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | File Manager Actions
// +--------------------------------------------------
if ($action != '99') {
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset);
if ($auth_pass == md5('') || $loggedon==$auth_pass){
switch ($frame){
case 1: break; // Empty Frame
case 2: frame2(); break;
case 3: frame3(); break;
case 1: logout(); break;
case 2: config_form(); break;
case 3: download(); break;
case 4: view_form(); break;
case 5: server_info_form(); break;
case 6: break;
case 7: edit_file_form(); break;
case 8: chmod_form(); break;
case 9: shell_form(); break;
case 10: upload_form(); break;
case 11: system_exec_file(); break;
case 12: portscan_form(); break;
case 14: dir_list_update_total_size(); break;
case 99: get_base64_file(); break;
if ($noscript) login_form();
else frameset();
} elseif (strlen($pass)) {
} else {
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | File System
// +--------------------------------------------------
function symlink_phpfm($target,$link){
global $is_windows;
$ok = false;
if (!$is_windows){ // symlink() function not available on windows
if (function_exists('symlink')) {
$ok = symlink($target,$link);
} else {
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= 'Error: php symlink() function is disabled.
if (!$ok){
$cmd = '';
if ($is_windows){
//$runas = 'runas /noprofile /user:Administrator ';
if (is_dir($target)) $cmd = $runas.'mklink /D '.escapeshellarg($link).' '.escapeshellarg($target);
else $cmd = $runas.'mklink '.escapeshellarg($link).' '.escapeshellarg($target);
} else {
$cmd = 'ln -s '.escapeshellarg($target).' '.escapeshellarg($link);
$output = '';
$ok = system_exec_cmd($cmd,$output);
if (!$ok) {
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= 'CMD: '.$cmd.'
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= $output.'
// link() function is available on windows (Vista, Server 2008 or greater)
// if everything failed, try to create a hardlink to the file instead
if (!$ok && !is_dir($target) && $is_windows) {
if (function_exists('link')) {
$ok = link($target,$link);
} else {
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= 'Error: php link() function is disabled.
return $ok;
function link_phpfm($target,$link){
global $is_windows;
if (is_dir($target)) {
// hardlinks to directories are not allowed, create symlink instead
// https://askubuntu.com/questions/210741/why-are-hard-links-not-allowed-for-directories
return symlink_phpfm($target,$link);
$ok = false;
if (function_exists('link')) { // link() function is available on windows (Vista, Server 2008 or greater)
$ok = link($target,$link);
} else {
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= 'Error: php link() function is disabled.
if (!$ok){
$cmd = '';
if ($is_windows){
//$runas = 'runas /noprofile /user:Administrator ';
$cmd = $runas.'mklink /H '.escapeshellarg($link).' '.escapeshellarg($target);
} else {
$cmd = 'ln '.escapeshellarg($target).' '.escapeshellarg($link);
$output = '';
$ok = system_exec_cmd($cmd,$output);
if (!$ok) {
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= 'CMD: '.$cmd.'
$GLOBALS['dir_list_warn_message'] .= $output.'
return $ok;
function phpfm_get_total_size($path){
$total_size = false;
$dir_cookiename = 'dir_'.md5(fix_cookie_name($path));
if (strlen($_COOKIE[$dir_cookiename])) {
$total_size = $_COOKIE[$dir_cookiename];
if ($total_size != 'error'){
return intval($total_size);
return $total_size;
$total_size = system_get_total_size($path);
if ($total_size !== false) {
setcookie((string)$dir_cookiename, (string)$total_size, 0 , "/");
return $total_size;
function dir_list_update_total_size(){
global $fm_current_dir, $dirname;
$path = rtrim($fm_current_dir,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dirname;
$total_size = system_get_total_size($path);
if ($total_size === false) {
$total_size = php_get_total_size($path);
if ($total_size === false) {
$total_size = 'error';
$dir_cookiename = 'dir_'.md5(fix_cookie_name($fm_current_dir.$dirname));
setcookie((string)$dir_cookiename, (string)$total_size, 0 , "/");
echo $total_size;
// INFO: php filesize() returns ZERO for files over 4Gb
function phpfm_filesize($file){
$filesize = intval(filesize($file));
if ($filesize <= 0) $filesize = system_get_total_size($file);
return $filesize;
function system_get_total_size($path){
global $is_windows;
$total_size = false;
if ($is_windows){
if (class_exists('COM')) {
$fsobj = new COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
if (is_object($fsobj)) {
try {
if (is_dir($path)) $ref = $fsobj->GetFolder($path);
else $ref = $fsobj->GetFile($path);
if (is_object($ref)) {
$total_size = floatval($ref->size);
$fsobj = null;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($total_size === false) {
if (is_file($path)){
$output = '';
if (system_exec_cmd('for %I in ('.$path.') do @echo %~zI',$output)){
$total_size = floatval($output);
} else {
$output = '';
if (system_exec_cmd('du -sb '.$path,$output)){
$total_size = floatval(substr($output,0,strpos($output,"\t")));
if ($total_size === false) fb_log('system_get_total_size("'.$path.'") = FALSE');
else fb_log('system_get_total_size("'.$path.'") = '.format_size($total_size));
return $total_size;
function php_get_total_size($path) {
global $debug_mode,$max_php_recursion_counter;
$max_php_recursion_counter = 0;
$total_size = php_get_total_size_execute($path);
if ($total_size === false) fb_log('php_get_total_size("'.$path.'") = false'.' (recursion: '.$max_php_recursion_counter.')');
else fb_log('php_get_total_size("'.$path.'") = '.format_size($total_size).' (recursion: '.$max_php_recursion_counter.')');
return $total_size;
function php_get_total_size_execute($path) {
global $debug_mode,$max_php_recursion,$max_php_recursion_counter;
if ($debug_mode) return 0;
$total_size = 0;
if (is_dir($path)) {
$entry_list = scandir(fs_encode($path));
foreach ($entry_list as $entry) {
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") continue;
if (is_dir($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry)) {
if ($max_php_recursion_counter >= $max_php_recursion) {
return false;
$size = php_get_total_size_execute($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
if ($size === false) {
return false;
$total_size += $size;
} else {
$total_size += phpfm_filesize($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
} else {
$total_size = phpfm_filesize($path);
return $total_size;
function php_shred($filepath) {
// Based on https://github.com/DanielRuf/secure-shred (MIT license)
// https://www.aldeid.com/wiki/Secure-delete-files
// TODO: test write each pass, and rename the file before delete.
try {
// clear stat cache to avoid falsely reported file status
// use $filepath parameter to possibly improve performance
clearstatcache(true, $filepath);
if (is_file($filepath) && is_readable($filepath) && is_writable($filepath)) {
$read = new \SplFileObject($filepath, 'r');
$write = new \SplFileObject($filepath, 'r+');
while (!$read->eof()) {
$line_pos = $read->ftell();
$line_content = $read->fgets();
$line_length = strlen($line_content);
if ($line_length === 0) continue;
for ($n=0;$n<3;$n++) { // does 3 overwrites per line
$read = $write = null;
return unlink($filepath);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
fb_log($e->getMessage().' ('.$e->getCode().')');
return false;
function total_delete($path,$followlinks=false,$checkhardlinks=true) {
global $debug_mode;
if ($debug_mode) return;
// TODO: $checkhardlinks will not allow to delete anything that has other links on the system, using stat() to avoid creating brokenlinks. Add a warning and complete action;.
if (file_exists($path)) {
if (is_dir($path)) {
$entry_list = scandir(fs_encode($path));
foreach ($entry_list as $entry) {
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") continue;
if ($followlinks == false && is_link(rtrim($path,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))) continue;
if (is_link($path)) @unlink($path);
else @rmdir($path);
} else {
} elseif (is_link($path)) {
@unlink($path); // Broken links must be removed
function total_copy($orig,$dest,$copylinks=true,$followlinks=false) {
global $debug_mode;
fb_log('total_copy',$orig.' => '.$dest);
if ($debug_mode) return;
$ok = true;
if (file_exists($orig) || is_link($orig)) {
if ($copylinks == true && is_link($orig)){
$ok = link_phpfm(readlink($orig), $dest);
if (!$ok) $ok = link_phpfm($orig, $dest); // Allow copy of broken links, but rather copy the link to the target, as the link was.
} elseif (is_dir($orig)) {
$ok = mkdir(fs_encode($dest),0755);
if ($ok) {
$entry_list = scandir(fs_encode($orig));
foreach ($entry_list as $entry) {
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") continue;
if ($followlinks == false && is_link(rtrim($orig,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))){
$ok = link_phpfm(readlink($orig.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry), $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry);
} else {
$ok = total_copy($orig.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry, $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry, $copylinks, $followlinks);
if (!$ok) break;
} else {
$ok = copy((string)$orig,(string)$dest);
return $ok;
function total_move($orig,$dest) {
global $debug_mode;
fb_log('total_move',$orig.' => '.$dest);
if ($debug_mode) return;
// Just why doesn't it has a MOVE alias?!
return rename((string)$orig,(string)$dest);
function download(){
global $fm_current_dir,$filename,$debug_mode;
$file = $fm_current_dir.$filename;
if ($debug_mode) return;
$is_denied = false;
foreach($download_ext_filter as $key=>$ext){
if (eregi($ext,$filename)){
$is_denied = true;
if (!$is_denied){
$size = phpfm_filesize($file);
header("Content-Type: application/save");
header("Content-Length: $size");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
if ($fh = fopen("$file", "rb")){
ob_get_flush(); // Flush the output buffer and turn off output buffering, to allow direct download of big files
} else alert(et('ReadDenied').": ".$file);
} else alert(et('ReadDenied').": ".$file);
} else alert(et('FileNotFound').": ".$file);
// Returns the full path of the current PHP executable
function linux_get_proc_name(){
$output = '';
$ok = system_exec_cmd("readlink -f /proc/".posix_getpid()."/exe",$output);
if (!$ok) return false;
return $output;
function system_exec_file(){
global $fm_current_dir,$filename,$debug_mode,$is_windows;
if ($debug_mode) return;
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$file = $fm_current_dir.$filename;
if (!is_executable($file)) @chmod($file,0755);
if (is_executable($file)) {
$fm_current_dir = get_absolute_path($fm_current_dir);
$cmd_line = '';
if ($is_windows) {
$cmd_line .= "cd /D ".$fm_current_dir." && ";
} else {
$cmd_line .= "cd ".$fm_current_dir." && ";
// TODO: verificar e usar interpretador correto
// php -f /script.php
// bash /script.sh
// sh /script.sh
// python /script.py
// perl /script.pl
$cmd_line .= $file;
echo "# ".$cmd_line."\n";
system_exec_cmd($cmd_line, $output);
echo $output;
} else echo('Error: '.$file.' is not executable...');
} else echo(et('FileNotFound').": ".$file);
function save_upload($temp_file,$filename,$dir_dest) {
global $upload_ext_filter,$debug_mode,$is_windows;
fb_log('save_upload',$temp_file.' => '.$dir_dest.$filename);
if ($debug_mode) return;
$filename = remove_special_chars($filename);
$file = $dir_dest.$filename;
$filesize = phpfm_filesize($temp_file);
$is_denied = false;
foreach($upload_ext_filter as $key=>$ext){
if (eregi($ext,$filename)){
$is_denied = true;
if (!$is_denied){
if (!check_limit($filesize)){
if (file_exists($file)){
if (unlink($file)){
if (copy($temp_file,$file)){
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23851821/setting-file-permissions-in-windows-with-php
if ($is_windows) system_exec_cmd('icacls "'.$file.'" /q /c /reset');
else @chmod($file,0644);
$out = 6;
} else $out = 2;
} else $out = 5;
} else {
if (copy($temp_file,$file)){
if ($is_windows) system_exec_cmd('icacls "'.$file.'" /q /c /reset');
else @chmod($file,0644);
$out = 1;
} else $out = 2;
} else $out = 3;
} else $out = 4;
return $out;
// Note: readlink() may return a relative path, with or without ./, and that is not good for is_file() is_dir() and broken link evaluation, because we can´t always chdir() to the link basepath.
function readlink_absolute_path($path){
global $is_windows;
if (!is_link($path)) return $path;
$target = readlink($path);
if (strpos($target,'.'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0){
$target = substr($target,2); // remove ./
if (($is_windows && substr($target,2,1) != ':') || (!$is_windows && substr($target,0,1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)){ // check if does not start with C: or / = relative path
$target = substr($path,0,strrpos($path,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)+1).$target; // complete the target using origin path
return $target;
// +--------------------------------------------------
// | Data Formating
// +--------------------------------------------------
function fix_cookie_name($str){
$str = remove_acentos(trim($str));
$str = str_replace('\\', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('/', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace(':', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('*', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('?', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('"', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('<', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('>', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('|', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace(' ', '_', $str);
$str = str_strip($str,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-0123456789");
$str = replace_double('_', $str);
$str = trim($str,'_');
return $str;
// http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt
// The characters ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=" and "&" are the characters which may be reserved for special meaning within a scheme. No other characters may be reserved within a scheme.
// Thus, only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
function fix_url($str) {
// Remove acentos
$str = remove_acentos($str);
// Substitui caracteres reservados
$str = str_replace(';', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('/', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('?', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace(':', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('@', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('=', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('&', '-', $str);
// Caracteres adicionais
$str = str_replace('(', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace(')', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('.', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace('_', '-', $str);
$str = str_replace(' ', '-', $str);
// Apenas caracteres válidos
$str = str_strip($str, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.-");
$str = replace_double('-', $str);
$str = trim($str,'-');
return $str;
function fix_filename($str,$allowSpaces=false){ // no filesystem não podemos ter acentos
$str = remove_acentos(trim($str));
// Substitui caracteres reservados
$str = str_replace('\\', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('/', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace(':', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('*', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('?', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('"', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('<', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('>', '_', $str);
$str = str_replace('|', '_', $str);
if ($allowSpaces){
// Apenas caracteres válidos
$str = str_strip($str,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-0123456789.()[]& ");
$str = replace_double(' ', $str);
$str = trim($str);
} else {
$str = str_replace(' ', '_', $str);
// Apenas caracteres válidos
$str = str_strip($str,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-0123456789.()[]&");
$str = replace_double('_', $str);
$str = trim($str,'_');
return $str;
function fix_filename_download($str){ // no download podemos ter acentos
$str = trim($str);
// Substitui caracteres reservados
$str = str_replace('\\', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('/', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace(':', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('*', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('?', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('"', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('<', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('>', ' ', $str);
$str = str_replace('|', ' ', $str);
// Apenas caracteres válidos
$str = str_strip($str,"ÁÀÃÂÉÊÈËÍÓÔÕÒÚÜÇÑáàãâéêèëíóõôòúüçñABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-0123456789.()[] ");
$str = replace_double(' ', $str);
$str = trim($str);
return $str;
function add_http($str){
if (mb_strlen($str) > 0 && mb_strpos($str, 'http://') === false && mb_strpos($str, 'https://') === false) return 'http://'.$str;
else return $str;
function remove_sinais($str){
$sinais = "./\\-,:;'`~?!\"<>{}[]@#\$%^&*()_+=|";
$str = str_replace(str_split($sinais),"",$str);
return replace_double(" ",$str);
function remove_acentos($string) {
if ( !preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]/', $string) ) return $string;
$chars = array(
// Decompositions for Latin-1 Supplement
chr(195).chr(128) => 'A', chr(195).chr(129) => 'A',
chr(195).chr(130) => 'A', chr(195).chr(131) => 'A',
chr(195).chr(132) => 'A', chr(195).chr(133) => 'A',
chr(195).chr(135) => 'C', chr(195).chr(136) => 'E',
chr(195).chr(137) => 'E', chr(195).chr(138) => 'E',
chr(195).chr(139) => 'E', chr(195).chr(140) => 'I',
chr(195).chr(141) => 'I', chr(195).chr(142) => 'I',
chr(195).chr(143) => 'I', chr(195).chr(145) => 'N',
chr(195).chr(146) => 'O', chr(195).chr(147) => 'O',
chr(195).chr(148) => 'O', chr(195).chr(149) => 'O',
chr(195).chr(150) => 'O', chr(195).chr(153) => 'U',
chr(195).chr(154) => 'U', chr(195).chr(155) => 'U',
chr(195).chr(156) => 'U', chr(195).chr(157) => 'Y',
chr(195).chr(159) => 's', chr(195).chr(160) => 'a',
chr(195).chr(161) => 'a', chr(195).chr(162) => 'a',
chr(195).chr(163) => 'a', chr(195).chr(164) => 'a',
chr(195).chr(165) => 'a', chr(195).chr(167) => 'c',
chr(195).chr(168) => 'e', chr(195).chr(169) => 'e',
chr(195).chr(170) => 'e', chr(195).chr(171) => 'e',
chr(195).chr(172) => 'i', chr(195).chr(173) => 'i',
chr(195).chr(174) => 'i', chr(195).chr(175) => 'i',
chr(195).chr(177) => 'n', chr(195).chr(178) => 'o',
chr(195).chr(179) => 'o', chr(195).chr(180) => 'o',
chr(195).chr(181) => 'o', chr(195).chr(182) => 'o',
chr(195).chr(182) => 'o', chr(195).chr(185) => 'u',
chr(195).chr(186) => 'u', chr(195).chr(187) => 'u',
chr(195).chr(188) => 'u', chr(195).chr(189) => 'y',
chr(195).chr(191) => 'y',
// Decompositions for Latin Extended-A
chr(196).chr(128) => 'A', chr(196).chr(129) => 'a',
chr(196).chr(130) => 'A', chr(196).chr(131) => 'a',
chr(196).chr(132) => 'A', chr(196).chr(133) => 'a',
chr(196).chr(134) => 'C', chr(196).chr(135) => 'c',
chr(196).chr(136) => 'C', chr(196).chr(137) => 'c',
chr(196).chr(138) => 'C', chr(196).chr(139) => 'c',
chr(196).chr(140) => 'C', chr(196).chr(141) => 'c',
chr(196).chr(142) => 'D', chr(196).chr(143) => 'd',
chr(196).chr(144) => 'D', chr(196).chr(145) => 'd',
chr(196).chr(146) => 'E', chr(196).chr(147) => 'e',
chr(196).chr(148) => 'E', chr(196).chr(149) => 'e',
chr(196).chr(150) => 'E', chr(196).chr(151) => 'e',
chr(196).chr(152) => 'E', chr(196).chr(153) => 'e',
chr(196).chr(154) => 'E', chr(196).chr(155) => 'e',
chr(196).chr(156) => 'G', chr(196).chr(157) => 'g',
chr(196).chr(158) => 'G', chr(196).chr(159) => 'g',
chr(196).chr(160) => 'G', chr(196).chr(161) => 'g',
chr(196).chr(162) => 'G', chr(196).chr(163) => 'g',
chr(196).chr(164) => 'H', chr(196).chr(165) => 'h',
chr(196).chr(166) => 'H', chr(196).chr(167) => 'h',
chr(196).chr(168) => 'I', chr(196).chr(169) => 'i',
chr(196).chr(170) => 'I', chr(196).chr(171) => 'i',
chr(196).chr(172) => 'I', chr(196).chr(173) => 'i',
chr(196).chr(174) => 'I', chr(196).chr(175) => 'i',
chr(196).chr(176) => 'I', chr(196).chr(177) => 'i',
chr(196).chr(178) => 'IJ',chr(196).chr(179) => 'ij',
chr(196).chr(180) => 'J', chr(196).chr(181) => 'j',
chr(196).chr(182) => 'K', chr(196).chr(183) => 'k',
chr(196).chr(184) => 'k', chr(196).chr(185) => 'L',
chr(196).chr(186) => 'l', chr(196).chr(187) => 'L',
chr(196).chr(188) => 'l', chr(196).chr(189) => 'L',
chr(196).chr(190) => 'l', chr(196).chr(191) => 'L',
chr(197).chr(128) => 'l', chr(197).chr(129) => 'L',
chr(197).chr(130) => 'l', chr(197).chr(131) => 'N',
chr(197).chr(132) => 'n', chr(197).chr(133) => 'N',
chr(197).chr(134) => 'n', chr(197).chr(135) => 'N',
chr(197).chr(136) => 'n', chr(197).chr(137) => 'N',
chr(197).chr(138) => 'n', chr(197).chr(139) => 'N',
chr(197).chr(140) => 'O', chr(197).chr(141) => 'o',
chr(197).chr(142) => 'O', chr(197).chr(143) => 'o',
chr(197).chr(144) => 'O', chr(197).chr(145) => 'o',
chr(197).chr(146) => 'OE',chr(197).chr(147) => 'oe',
chr(197).chr(148) => 'R',chr(197).chr(149) => 'r',
chr(197).chr(150) => 'R',chr(197).chr(151) => 'r',
chr(197).chr(152) => 'R',chr(197).chr(153) => 'r',
chr(197).chr(154) => 'S',chr(197).chr(155) => 's',
chr(197).chr(156) => 'S',chr(197).chr(157) => 's',
chr(197).chr(158) => 'S',chr(197).chr(159) => 's',
chr(197).chr(160) => 'S', chr(197).chr(161) => 's',
chr(197).chr(162) => 'T', chr(197).chr(163) => 't',
chr(197).chr(164) => 'T', chr(197).chr(165) => 't',
chr(197).chr(166) => 'T', chr(197).chr(167) => 't',
chr(197).chr(168) => 'U', chr(197).chr(169) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(170) => 'U', chr(197).chr(171) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(172) => 'U', chr(197).chr(173) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(174) => 'U', chr(197).chr(175) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(176) => 'U', chr(197).chr(177) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(178) => 'U', chr(197).chr(179) => 'u',
chr(197).chr(180) => 'W', chr(197).chr(181) => 'w',
chr(197).chr(182) => 'Y', chr(197).chr(183) => 'y',
chr(197).chr(184) => 'Y', chr(197).chr(185) => 'Z',
chr(197).chr(186) => 'z', chr(197).chr(187) => 'Z',
chr(197).chr(188) => 'z', chr(197).chr(189) => 'Z',
chr(197).chr(190) => 'z', chr(197).chr(191) => 's'
$string = strtr($string, $chars);
return $string;
function retifica_aspas($str){
//return $str;
$quotes = array(
"\xC2\xAB" => '"', // « (U+00AB) in UTF-8
"\xC2\xBB" => '"', // » (U+00BB) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x98" => "'", // ‘ (U+2018) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x99" => "'", // ’ (U+2019) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9A" => "'", // ‚ (U+201A) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9B" => "'", // ‛ (U+201B) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9C" => '"', // “ (U+201C) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9D" => '"', // ” (U+201D) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9E" => '"', // „ (U+201E) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\x9F" => '"', // ‟ (U+201F) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\xB9" => "'", // ‹ (U+2039) in UTF-8
"\xE2\x80\xBA" => "'", // › (U+203A) in UTF-8
return strtr($str, $quotes);
// replace Microsoft Word version of single and double quotations marks (“ ” ‘ ’) with regular quotes (' and ")
//return iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $str);
function html_encode($str){
global $charset;
$str = preg_replace(array('/&/', '/', '/>/', '/"/'), array('&', '<', '>', '"'), $str); // Bypass PHP to allow any charset!!
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.3', '>=')) {
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, $charset, false);
} else {
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
return $str;
function rep($x,$y){
if ($x) {
$aux = "";
for ($a=1;$a<=$x;$a++) $aux .= $y;
return $aux;
} else return "";
function str_zero($arg1,$arg2){
if (strstr($arg1,"-") == false){
$aux = intval($arg2) - strlen($arg1);
if ($aux) return rep($aux,"0").$arg1;
else return $arg1;
} else {
return "[$arg1]";
function replace_double($sub,$str){
while ( strlen($out) != strlen($str) ){
return $out;
function remove_special_chars($str){
$str = trim($str);
$str = strtr($str,"¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ!@#%&*()[]{}+=?",
$str = str_replace("..","",str_replace("/","",str_replace("\\","",str_replace("\$","",$str))));
return $str;
function array_csort() {
$args = func_get_args();
$marray = array_shift($args);
$msortline = "return(array_multisort(";
foreach ($args as $arg) {
if (is_string($arg)) {
foreach ($marray as $row) {
$sortarr[$i][] = $row[$arg];
} else {
$sortarr[$i] = $arg;
$msortline .= "\$sortarr[".$i."],";
$msortline .= "\$marray));";
return $marray;
function show_perms($P) {
$sP = "
if($P & 0x1000) $sP .= 'p'; // FIFO pipe
elseif($P & 0x2000) $sP .= 'c'; // Character special
elseif($P & 0x4000) $sP .= 'd'; // Directory
elseif($P & 0x6000) $sP .= 'b'; // Block special
elseif($P & 0x8000) $sP .= '−'; // Regular
elseif($P & 0xA000) $sP .= 'l'; // Symbolic Link
elseif($P & 0xC000) $sP .= 's'; // Socket
else $sP .= 'u'; // UNKNOWN
$sP .= "";
// owner - group - others
$sP .= (($P & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0040) ? (($P & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($P & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '−'));
$sP .= (($P & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0008) ? (($P & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($P & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '−'));
$sP .= (($P & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '−') . (($P & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '−') . (($P & 0x0001) ? (($P & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($P & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '−'));
return $sP;
function format_size($arg) {
if ($arg>0){
$j = 0;
$ext = array(" bytes"," Kb"," Mb"," Gb"," Tb");
while ($arg >= pow(1024,$j)) ++$j;
return round($arg / pow(1024,$j-1) * 100) / 100 . $ext[$j-1];
} else return "0 bytes";
function check_limit($new_filesize=0) {
global $fm_current_root;
global $quota_mb;
$total = intval(phpfm_get_total_size($fm_current_root));
if (floor(($total+$new_filesize)/(1024*1024)) > $quota_mb) return true;
return false;
function uppercase($str){
global $charset;
return mb_strtoupper($str, $charset);
function lowercase($str){
global $charset;
return mb_strtolower($str, $charset);
function word_count($theString) {
$theString = html_decode(strip_tags($theString));
$char_count = mb_strlen($theString);
$fullStr = $theString." ";
$initial_whitespace_rExp = "^[[:alnum:]]$";
$left_trimmedStr = ereg_replace($initial_whitespace_rExp,"",$fullStr);
$non_alphanumerics_rExp = "^[[:alnum:]]$";
$cleanedStr = ereg_replace($non_alphanumerics_rExp," ",$left_trimmedStr);
$splitString = explode(" ",$cleanedStr);
$word_count = count($splitString)-1;
return $word_count;
function str_strip($str,$valid_chars){
$out = "";
for ($i=0;$i
if (window.jQuery){
function html_header($header=""){
global $charset,$fm_color,$fm_path_info,$cookie_cache_time;
echo "
function reloadframe($ref,$frame_number,$plus=""){
global $fm_current_dir,$fm_path_info;
echo "
function alert($arg){
echo "
define('UTF32_BIG_ENDIAN_BOM' , chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0xFE).chr(0xFF));
define('UTF32_LITTLE_ENDIAN_BOM', chr(0xFF).chr(0xFE).chr(0x00).chr(0x00));
define('UTF16_BIG_ENDIAN_BOM' , chr(0xFE).chr(0xFF));
define('UTF16_LITTLE_ENDIAN_BOM', chr(0xFF).chr(0xFE));
define('UTF8_BOM' , chr(0xEF).chr(0xBB).chr(0xBF));
function get_encoding($text){
$first2 = mb_substr($text, 0, 2);
$first3 = mb_substr($text, 0, 3);
$first4 = mb_substr($text, 0, 4);
if ($first3 == UTF8_BOM) return 'UTF-8'; // WITH BOM
elseif ($first4 == UTF32_BIG_ENDIAN_BOM) return 'UTF-32BE';
elseif ($first4 == UTF32_LITTLE_ENDIAN_BOM) return 'UTF-32LE';
elseif ($first2 == UTF16_BIG_ENDIAN_BOM) return 'UTF-16BE';
elseif ($first2 == UTF16_LITTLE_ENDIAN_BOM) return 'UTF-16LE';
elseif (mb_detect_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', true) == true) return 'UTF-8'; // WITHOUT BOM
elseif (mb_detect_encoding($text, 'ISO-8859-1', true) == true) return 'ISO-8859-1';
else return mb_detect_encoding($text);
function utf8_convert($str){
if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && extension_loaded('iconv')) {
$str_chatset = get_encoding($str);
if ($str_chatset == "UTF-8") return $str;
return iconv($str_chatset, "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $str);
} else return utf8_encode($str);
function convert_charset($str,$charset){
$str_chatset = get_encoding($str);
if ($str_chatset == $charset) return $str;
else return iconv($str_chatset, $charset."//TRANSLIT", $str);
function fs_encode($str){
global $is_windows;
if ($is_windows) {
if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && extension_loaded('iconv')) {
$str = convert_charset($str,'ISO-8859-1');
return $str;
class tree_fs {
protected $base = null;
public function __construct($base) {
$this->base = $this->real($base);
if(!$this->base) { fb_log('Base directory does not exist'); }
protected function real($path) {
if (is_link($path)) $temp = get_absolute_path(fs_encode($path));
else $temp = realpath(fs_encode($path));
if(!$temp) { fb_log('Path does not exist: ' . $path); }
if($this->base && strlen($this->base)) {
if(strpos($temp, $this->base) !== 0) { fb_log('Path is not inside base ('.$this->base.'): ' . $temp); }
return $temp;
protected function path($id) {
global $is_windows;
$path = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $id);
$path = $this->real($this->base.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path);
$path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if (!$is_windows) {
$path = replace_double(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$path);
//fb_log('path()',$id.' => '.$path);
return $path;
protected function id($path) {
global $is_windows;
$id = $this->real($path);
$id = substr($id, strlen($this->base));
$id = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $id);
$id = '/'.rtrim($id, '/');
$id = replace_double('/',$id);
//fb_log('id()',$path.' => '.$id);
return $id;
public function lst($id, $with_root=false) {
$path = $this->path($id);
$lst = scandir(fs_encode($path));
if(!$lst) { fb_log('Could not list path: '.$path); }
$res = array();
foreach($lst as $item) {
if ($item == '.' || $item == '..' || $item === null) { continue; }
$item_path = rtrim($path,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$item;
if (is_dir($item_path)) {
if (is_link($item_path)) $item .= ' (L)';
$res[] = array('text' => utf8_convert($item), 'children' => true, 'id' => utf8_convert($this->id($item_path)), 'icon' => 'folder');
} elseif (is_link($item_path) && !is_file($item_path)) {
// Add Invisible char to change color to RED using Jquery https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17978720/invisible-characters-ascii
// TODO: Find a better way to show RED broken folder links, using jsTree API
if (is_link($item_path)) $item .= ' (L*)';
$res[] = array('text' => utf8_convert($item), 'children' => true, 'id' => utf8_convert($this->id($item_path)), 'icon' => 'folder');
if($with_root && $this->id($path) == '/') {
$res = array(array('text' => utf8_convert($this->base), 'children' => $res, 'id' => '/', 'icon'=>'folder', 'state' => array('opened' => true, 'disabled' => false)));
return $res;
public function data($id) {
if(strpos($id, ":")) {
$id = array_map(array($this, 'id'), explode(':', $id));
return array('type'=>'multiple', 'content'=> 'Multiple selected: ' . implode(' ', $id));
$path = $this->path($id);
if(is_dir($path)) {
return array('type'=>'folder', 'content'=> $id);
fb_log('Not a valid selection: '.$path);
function frame2(){
global $fm_root,$fm_current_root,$fm_path_info,$setflag,$is_windows,$cookie_cache_time,$fm_current_dir,$auth_pass,$open_basedirs;
if(isset($_GET['operation'])) {
$tree_fs = new tree_fs($fm_current_root);
try {
$resul = null;
switch($_GET['operation']) {
case 'get_node':
$node = (strlen($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] !== '#') ? $_GET['id'] : '/';
$with_root = true;
$resul = $tree_fs->lst($node, $with_root);
fb_log('Unsupported operation: '.$_GET['operation']);
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($resul);
catch (Exception $e) {
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Server Error');
header('Status: 500 Server Error');
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo "";
echo " |
echo "";
echo "
echo "\n";
function is_binary($file){
if (!is_file($file)) return false;
$mime = mime_content_type($file);
if (strpos($mime,'text') === false && strpos($mime,'x-empty') === false) return true;
return false;
function is_textfile($file){
if (!is_file($file)) return false;
$mime = mime_content_type($file);
if (strpos($mime,'text') === 0 || strpos($mime,'x-empty') !== false) return true;
return false;
function dir_list_form() {
global $script_init_time,$fm_current_root,$fm_current_dir,$quota_mb,$resolve_ids,$order_dir_list_by,$is_windows,$cmd_name,$ip,$lan_ip,$fm_path_info,$version,$date_format;
$out = "
$io_error = true;
if ($opdir = @opendir(fs_encode($fm_current_dir))) {
$io_error = false;
$has_files = false;
$entry_count = 0;
$total_size = 0;
$entry_list = array();
while (($entry = readdir($opdir)) !== false) {
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") continue;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['name'] = $entry;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['namet'] = $entry;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = 0;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = 0;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "none";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['date'] = date("Ymd", filemtime($fm_current_dir.$entry));
$entry_list[$entry_count]['time'] = date("His", filemtime($fm_current_dir.$entry));
$entry_list[$entry_count]['datet'] = date($date_format, filemtime($fm_current_dir.$entry));
$entry_list[$entry_count]['p'] = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($fm_current_dir.$entry)), -4);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['u'] = fileowner($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['g'] = filegroup($fm_current_dir.$entry);
if ($resolve_ids){
$entry_list[$entry_count]['p'] = show_perms(fileperms($fm_current_dir.$entry));
if (!$is_windows){
$entry_list[$entry_count]['u'] = get_user_name(fileowner($fm_current_dir.$entry));
$entry_list[$entry_count]['g'] = get_group_name(filegroup($fm_current_dir.$entry));
if (is_link($fm_current_dir.$entry)){
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "link";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['target'] = readlink($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['target_absolute_path'] = readlink_absolute_path($fm_current_dir.$entry);
if (is_dir($entry_list[$entry_count]['target_absolute_path'])) {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "dir";
$dirsize = phpfm_get_total_size($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = intval($dirsize);
if ($dirsize === false) {
$sizet = et('GetSize').'..';
} elseif ($dirsize === 'error'){
$sizet = ''.et('Error').' ↻';
} else {
$sizet = format_size($entry_list[$entry_count]['size']).' ↻';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = "".$sizet."";
} elseif (is_file($entry_list[$entry_count]['target_absolute_path'])) {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "file";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = phpfm_filesize($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = format_size($entry_list[$entry_count]['size']);
$has_files = true;
} else {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "broken_link";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['date'] = '';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['time'] = '';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['datet'] = '';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = 0;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = '';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['p'] = '';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['linkt'] = '(L)';
$ext = lowercase(strrchr($entry,"."));
if (strstr($ext,".")){
$entry_list[$entry_count]['ext'] = $ext;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['extt'] = $ext;
} else {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['ext'] = "";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['extt'] = " ";
} elseif (is_file($fm_current_dir.$entry)){
$ext = lowercase(strrchr($entry,"."));
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "file";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = phpfm_filesize($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = format_size($entry_list[$entry_count]['size']);
if (strstr($ext,".")){
$entry_list[$entry_count]['ext'] = $ext;
$entry_list[$entry_count]['extt'] = $ext;
} else {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['ext'] = "";
$entry_list[$entry_count]['extt'] = " ";
$has_files = true;
} elseif (is_dir($fm_current_dir.$entry)) {
$entry_list[$entry_count]['type'] = "dir";
$dirsize = phpfm_get_total_size($fm_current_dir.$entry);
$entry_list[$entry_count]['size'] = intval($dirsize);
if ($dirsize === false){
$sizet = et('GetSize').'..';
} elseif ($dirsize === 'error') {
$sizet = ''.et('Error').' ↻';
} else {
$sizet = format_size($entry_list[$entry_count]['size']).' ↻';
$entry_list[$entry_count]['sizet'] = "".$sizet."";
$total_size += $entry_list[$entry_count]['size'];
case "1A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or1="1D"; break;
case "1D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or1="1A"; break;
case "2A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"p",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or2="2D"; break;
case "2D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"p",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or2="2A"; break;
case "3A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or3="3D"; break;
case "3D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or3="3A"; break;
case "4A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or4="4D"; break;
case "4D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or4="4A"; break;
case "5A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"size",SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_ASC); $or5="5D"; break;
case "5D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"size",SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_DESC); $or5="5A"; break;
case "6A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"date",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"time",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or6="6D"; break;
case "6D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"date",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"time",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or6="6A"; break;
case "7A": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"ext",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or7="7D"; break;
case "7D": $entry_list = array_csort($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"ext",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or7="7A"; break;
$out .= "
$out .= "
$out .= "
} else {
$out .= "
".et('EmptyDir').". |
} else {
$out .= "
".et('IOError').". ".rtrim($fm_current_dir,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)." |
$out .= "
if ($quota_mb) {
$out .= "
".et('Partition')." = ".format_size(($quota_mb*1024*1024))." - ".format_size(($quota_mb*1024*1024)-intval(phpfm_get_total_size($fm_current_root)))." ".et('Free')."";
} else {
$out .= "
".et('Partition')." = ".format_size(disk_total_space($fm_current_dir))." / ".format_size(disk_free_space($fm_current_dir))." ".et('Free')."";
$out .= "
".et('RenderTime').": ".number_format((getmicrotime()-$script_init_time), 3, '.', '')." ".et('Seconds')."";
$out .= "
$out .= "
echo $out;
function upload_form(){
global $_FILES,$fm_current_dir,$dir_dest,$quota_mb,$fm_path_info;
echo "";
if (count($_FILES)==0){
echo "
} else {
$out = "".et('Destination').": ".$fm_current_dir." |
$files = array();
if (is_array($_FILES['upfiles'])){
// Check and re-arrange multi-upload array()
if (is_array($_FILES['upfiles']['name'])){
for($i=0;$i $_FILES['upfiles']['name'][$i],
'tmp_name' => $_FILES['upfiles']['tmp_name'][$i],
'size' => $_FILES['upfiles']['size'][$i],
'type' => $_FILES['upfiles']['type'][$i],
'error' => $_FILES['upfiles']['error'][$i]
} else {
foreach ($_FILES['upfiles'] as $file){
if ($file['error'] === 0) $files[] = $file;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = $file['name'];
$temp_file = $file['tmp_name'];
if (strlen($filename)) {
$resul = save_upload($temp_file,$filename,$dir_dest);
case 1:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('FileSent').": | ".$filename." |
case 2:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('IOError').": | ".$filename." |
case 3:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('SpaceLimReached')." ($quota_mb Mb): | ".$filename." |
case 4:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('InvExt').": | ".$filename." |
case 5:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('FileNoOverw').": | ".$filename." |
case 6:
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('FileOverw').": | ".$filename." |
$out .= "".$i." - ".et('FileIgnored').": | ".$filename." |
$out .= "".et('UploadEnd')." |
echo "";
echo "\n